## Here is a prolog example. syntax "prolog" "\.pl" comment "%" # Reset everything color white ".*" # Integers and floats color yellow "(^| |=)[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*" # Variables color red "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)[A-Z]+" color red "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)_[0-9a-zA-Z_]+($|[[:blank:]]|,|\))" # Anonymous variable '_' color yellow "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)_($|[[:blank:]]|,|\))" # Functions color cyan "(^|[[:blank:]])\w+\(" color white "\(|\)|\[|\]|,|=|\\=" # Atoms color green start="\"" end="\"" color green start="'" end="'" # Comments color white "(^|[[:blank:]])%.*$" color white start="/\*" end="\*/" # Reminders color black,yellow "(BUG|DEBUG|FIXME|IDEA|NOTE|REVIEW|TEMP|TODO|WARNING|XXX)" # Spaces in front of tabs color ,red " + +"