You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
686 B

syntax "iCal" "\.ics$"
color green start="^BEGIN:VCALENDAR$" end="^END:VCALENDAR$"
color yellow start="^BEGIN:VCARD$" end="^END:VCARD$"
color brightblue start="^BEGIN:VJOURNAL$" end="^END:VJOURNAL$"
color magenta start="^BEGIN:VTIMEZONE$" end="^END:VTIMEZONE"
color cyan start="^BEGIN:VEVENT$" end="^END:VEVENT$"
color brightmagenta start="^BEGIN:VALARM$" end="^END:VALARM$"
color brightcyan start="^BEGIN:VFREEBUSY$" end="^END:VFREEBUSY$"
# URLs
color blue start="(https?|ftp)://" end="^[^ ]"
# email
icolor blue "mailto:[^ ]+"
icolor white "mailto:"
# parameters
color brightyellow start="^[-A-Z0-9]" end=":"
color white "^[-A-Z0-9]+"
# section markers
color red "^(BEGIN|END):.*$"