24 lines
785 B
24 lines
785 B
pkgbase = crashplan-pro
pkgdesc = An business online/offsite backup solution
pkgver = 4.8.3
pkgrel = 1
url = http://www.crashplan.com/business
install = crashplan-pro.install
arch = i686
arch = x86_64
license = custom
makedepends = grep
makedepends = cpio
makedepends = gzip
depends = java-runtime
optdepends = swt: needed by some to open the GUI
source = http://download1.us.code42.com/installs/linux/install/CrashPlanPRO/CrashPlanPRO_4.8.3_Linux.tgz
source = crashplan-pro
source = crashplan-pro.service
sha256sums = d298dee27bddb5e543e7d48997cc3f5717c4286a0190dd1224b2b9144380edf5
sha256sums = b306d7da0dd41341512ce80ddcfb21bff8a9bb73ab5018696e69d08b89f7f1b6
sha256sums = c631a971f300bfbfe52e3ec8faa4d7b735eaa069d73e11d6021567e29d053dc3
pkgname = crashplan-pro