imagesRootPath=flag.String("imagesRootPath","","This is the images root path that should be mirrored to piwigo.")
sqliteDb=flag.String("sqliteDb","./localstate.db","The connection string to the sql lite database file.")
noUpload=flag.Bool("noUpload",false,"If set to true, the metadata gets prepared but the upload is not called and the application is exited with code 90")
piwigoUrl=flag.String("piwigoUrl","","The root url without tailing slash to your piwigo installation.")
piwigoUser=flag.String("piwigoUser","","The username to use during sync.")
piwigoPassword=flag.String("piwigoPassword","","This is password to the given username.")
removeImages=flag.Bool("removeImages",false,"If set to true, images scheduled to delete will be removed from the piwigo server. Be sure you want to delete images before enabling this flag.")
parallelUploads=flag.Int("parallelUploads",4,"Set the number of images that get uploaded in parallel.")