/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Philipp Haefelfinger (http://www.haefelfinger.ch/). All Rights Reserved. * This application is licensed under GPLv2. See the LICENSE file in the root directory of the project. */ package category import ( "errors" "fmt" "git.haefelfinger.net/piwigo/PiwigoDirectoryUploader/internal/pkg/datastore" "git.haefelfinger.net/piwigo/PiwigoDirectoryUploader/internal/pkg/localFileStructure" "git.haefelfinger.net/piwigo/PiwigoDirectoryUploader/internal/pkg/piwigo" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "path/filepath" ) func SynchronizeCategories(filesystemNodes map[string]*localFileStructure.FilesystemNode, piwigoApi piwigo.PiwigoCategoryApi, db datastore.CategoryProvider) error { logrus.Debug("Entering SynchronizeCategories...") defer logrus.Debug("Leaving SynchronizeCategories...") err := updatePiwigoCategoriesFromServer(piwigoApi, db) if err != nil { return err } logrus.Infoln("Adding missing categories to local db...") err = addMissingPiwigoCategoriesToLocalDb(db, filesystemNodes) if err != nil { return err } return createMissingCategories(piwigoApi, db) } func addMissingPiwigoCategoriesToLocalDb(db datastore.CategoryProvider, fileSystemNodes map[string]*localFileStructure.FilesystemNode) error { logrus.Debug("Entering addMissingPiwigoCategoriesToLocalDb...") defer logrus.Debug("Leave addMissingPiwigoCategoriesToLocalDb...") for _, file := range fileSystemNodes { if !file.IsDir { logrus.Tracef("%s: Skipping as no directory", file.Key) continue } _, err := db.GetCategoryByKey(file.Key) if err == nil { logrus.Debugf("%s already exists.", file.Key) continue } if err != datastore.ErrorRecordNotFound { return err } logrus.Debugf("Creating missing category %s", file.Key) category := datastore.CategoryData{ Key: file.Key, Name: file.Name, PiwigoParentId: 0, PiwigoId: 0, } err = db.SaveCategory(category) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func updatePiwigoCategoriesFromServer(piwigoApi piwigo.PiwigoCategoryApi, db datastore.CategoryProvider) error { logrus.Debug("Entering updatePiwigoCategoriesFromServer") defer logrus.Debug("Leaving updatePiwigoCategoriesFromServer") categories, err := piwigoApi.GetAllCategories() if err != nil { return err } for _, pwgcat := range categories { dbcat, err := db.GetCategoryByPiwigoId(pwgcat.Id) if err == datastore.ErrorRecordNotFound { logrus.Debugf("Adding category %s", pwgcat.Key) dbcat = datastore.CategoryData{ PiwigoId: pwgcat.Id, } } else if err != nil { return err } if dbcat.Name == pwgcat.Name && dbcat.Key == pwgcat.Key && dbcat.PiwigoParentId == pwgcat.ParentId { logrus.Debugf("No changes for category %s", dbcat.Key) continue } dbcat.Name = pwgcat.Name dbcat.Key = pwgcat.Key dbcat.PiwigoParentId = pwgcat.ParentId err = db.SaveCategory(dbcat) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func createMissingCategories(piwigoApi piwigo.PiwigoCategoryApi, db datastore.CategoryProvider) error { logrus.Debug("Entering createMissingCategories...") defer logrus.Debug("Leaving createMissingCategories...") missingCategories, err := db.GetCategoriesToCreate() if err != nil { return err } logrus.Infof("Creating %d categories", len(missingCategories)) for _, category := range missingCategories { logrus.Infof("Creating category %s", category.Key) parentId, err := getParentId(category, db) if err != nil { return err } // create category on piwigo id, err := piwigoApi.CreateCategory(parentId, category.Name) if err != nil { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Could not create category on piwigo: %s", err)) } // update local category information category.PiwigoId = id category.PiwigoParentId = parentId err = db.SaveCategory(category) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func getParentId(category datastore.CategoryData, db datastore.CategoryProvider) (int, error) { parentKey := filepath.Dir(category.Key) if category.Name == parentKey { logrus.Debugf("The category %s is a root category, there is no parent", category.Name) return 0, nil } logrus.Debugf("Looking up parent with key %s", parentKey) parentCategory, err := db.GetCategoryByKey(parentKey) if err == datastore.ErrorRecordNotFound { return 0, err } if err != nil { return 0, err } return parentCategory.PiwigoId, nil }