/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Philipp Haefelfinger (http://www.haefelfinger.ch/). All Rights Reserved. * This application is licensed under GPLv2. See the LICENSE file in the root directory of the project. */ package app import ( "flag" "git.haefelfinger.net/piwigo/PiwigoDirectoryUploader/internal/pkg/localFileStructure" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "os" ) var ( imagesRootPath = flag.String("imagesRootPath", "", "This is the images root path that should be mirrored to piwigo.") sqliteDb = flag.String("sqliteDb", "./localstate.db", "The connection string to the sql lite database file.") noUpload = flag.Bool("noUpload", false, "If set to true, the metadata gets prepared but the upload is not called and the application is exited with code 90") piwigoUrl = flag.String("piwigoUrl", "", "The root url without tailing slash to your piwigo installation.") piwigoUser = flag.String("piwigoUser", "", "The username to use during sync.") piwigoPassword = flag.String("piwigoPassword", "", "This is password to the given username.") removeImages = flag.Bool("removeImages", false, "If set to true, images scheduled to delete will be removed from the piwigo server. Be sure you want to delete images before enabling this flag.") ) func Run() { context, err := newAppContext() if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 1) } err = context.piwigo.Login() if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 2) } filesystemNodes, err := localFileStructure.ScanLocalFileStructure(context.localRootPath) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 3) } categories, err := getAllCategoriesFromServer(context.piwigo) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 4) } err = synchronizeCategories(context.piwigo, filesystemNodes, categories) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 5) } err = synchronizeLocalImageMetadata(context.dataStore, filesystemNodes, categories, localFileStructure.CalculateFileCheckSums) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 6) } err = synchronizePiwigoMetadata(context.piwigo, context.dataStore) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 7) } if *removeImages { err = deleteImages(context.piwigo, context.dataStore) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 8) } } else { logrus.Info("The flag removeImages is disabled. Skipping...") } if !(*noUpload) { err = uploadImages(context.piwigo, context.dataStore) if err != nil { logErrorAndExit(err, 9) } } else { logrus.Warnln("Skipping upload of images as flag noUpload is set to true!") } _ = context.piwigo.Logout() } func logErrorAndExit(err error, exitCode int) { logrus.Errorln(err) os.Exit(exitCode) }